Saturday, September 26, 2009

Knowing Self Defense Law Can Help Keep You From Jail

By Adam Espirit

Usually questions are: "I can't go to jail for just defending myself, can I?" or "Will I go to jail for knowing martial arts if I'm attacked?"

They were just some of the legal questions I get about self defense and I am not legal help. You need to know a lawyer that can help you. I'm just here to get you aware of it.

Combat is true self defense. There is no escape or hiding, but only attacking back to save your own life. If there is another choice, take it and know that was not a combat situation.

No mixed martial arts competition or sports fighting here. It's similar to a school shooting or hostile home invasion. You didn't start it, but you are still in it. This is stuff scares most people, but in the moment you have to attack to survive. Attack until you can safely run.

No rules

No formal uniforms

No help

Simply trying to stop that attack by attacking back enough to stop them to get away. If you do anything more before the attack or after, you are at fault.

Is it Illegal to even know Killer Moves?

No one wants to tell you this.

Anything you do to defend yourself Could KILL your attacker. A simple punch or kick by itself could kill them. They could lose their balance, fall, hit their head and die. It would be your fault. No ifs or buts here, you are the reason.

Beyond mixed martial arts and straight into combat. Lives are lost here and hopefully it's not yours or someone you love. Still you have to justify what happened.

The reason, I called it combative is that we deal with combat, but we defend ourselves. We do not go any further than is needed. To do any less could mean that your life is still in immediate danger and that is not acceptable.

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